Starting Line

This case study follows the journey of Murray Taulagi, a professional rugby player of Samoan descent born in New Zealand. Initially disengaged and indifferent towards his finances, Murray's transformation was facilitated through persistent support and trust-building efforts by his Player Agent, Galaxy Sport, and his partner. Together, they worked towards establishing a solid financial plan and implementing strategies to improve Murray's financial wellbeing.

The Plan

When Murray was first referred by his Player Agent, he exhibited a disengaged attitude towards his finances. Communication was challenging, as he was reluctant to return calls or complete necessary forms. Murray had kept his head in the sand, avoiding any active involvement in managing his financial situation. However, it was discovered that he had previously assisted his parents by purchasing a house in Brisbane, to which he continued to contribute financially.

Seeing the need
Recognising the need for ongoing support and guidance, Murray's financial advisors, Player Agent, and partner initiated a patient and persistent approach. They consistently showed up for Murray and his family, demonstrating their commitment to providing support. Over time, this approach earned Murray's trust, resulting in his increased engagement and involvement in his own finances.

Practical strategies
To address Murray's disengagement, a payroll diversion and savings plan were implemented. A portion of his salary from the Cowboys and all representative payments were directed to an account that he couldn't access through a mobile app. This allowed for automatic savings and ensured that funds were set aside for future goals. Alongside this, Murray and his partner received guidance on budgeting, gradually increasing the amount diverted from his salary over time.

Habit change
As a result of consistent support and guidance, Murray has undergone a significant transformation in his financial mindset and habits. He now possesses sufficient funds to consider purchasing his own property or an investment property. Furthermore, his partner's imminent completion of a degree will allow her to contribute to the savings starting in 2024, following four years of intensive study.

Murray's newfound engagement in his finances is evident, as he now takes the lead in conversations about savings and goals. This transformation has been rewarding for all parties involved, highlighting the power of trust, support, and persistence in driving positive financial change.

The Result

Murray and his partner took the property plunge in late 2023 with the purchase of a beautiful home for them and his 2 dogs.

Murray Taulagi's journey exemplifies the positive impact that consistent support and guidance can have on an individual's financial wellbeing. Through patient efforts and the establishment of effective financial strategies, Murray overcame his initial disengagement and developed a proactive approach to his finances. As he continues on his path towards financial stability and independence, Murray serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the transformative power of trust and ongoing support.


Murray Taulagi's journey exemplifies the positive impact that consistent support and guidance can have on an individual's financial wellbeing. Through patient efforts and the establishment of effective financial strategies, Murray overcame his initial disengagement and developed a proactive approach to his finances. As he continues on his path towards financial stability and independence, Murray serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the transformative power of trust and ongoing support.