Starting Line

Esan is a former player for the Cowboys, who later transitioned to the Gold Coast before ultimately moving on to play in the English Super League. Galaxy Sport supported Esan to strengthen his financial habits and goals, particularly in the areas of financial management, purchasing a car, and securing a property in Townsville.

The Plan

Revised Budget and Financial Management
When Esan signed for the English Super League, his financial circumstances underwent significant changes. As a result, a revised budget was necessary to accommodate his altered income and expenditure. Galaxy Sport worked closely with Esan to develop a revised budget that aligned with his new financial situation, ensuring that his financial goals and obligations were properly addressed. Through ongoing communication and collaboration, we were able to provide Esan with comprehensive financial support to smooth this transitionary period.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support
To ensure Esan's financial wellbeing, Galaxy Sport continues to monitor his situation closely. We maintain regular communication with Esan and his partner, providing guidance and support as needed. By staying updated on his evolving financial circumstances, Galaxy Sport can promptly address any potential challenges and offer appropriate solutions. This ongoing collaboration with Esan and his partner demonstrates our commitment to their long-term financial success and stability.

The Result

As his financial circumstances changed after joining the Super League, Galaxy Sport worked closely with Esan to develop a revised budget that aligned with his new income and expenditure. Galaxy Sport continues to monitor Esan’s situation and maintain regular communication with his partner, ensuring his financial wellbeing. Through this ongoing support, we strive to help Esan navigate his career transition successfully and achieve long-term financial stability.