Starting Line

Scott Drinkwater, Cowboys fullback, approached us for financial guidance. He had a good savings plan in place and a substantial amount saved up, despite his contract being lean at the time.

However, he wanted to explore long-term financial planning options and ensure that everyone involved in his finances, including his parents, player agent, and accountant, were on the same page.

The Plan

We worked with Scott to create a financial plan that focused on living within his budget and investing in property. We advised him to live like a normal person financially and consider what he would be earning if he were not playing his chosen sport. This approach would make it easier for him to transition to retirement and manage his finances effectively.

Once Scott secured a new playing contract, we helped him purchase his first investment property "off the plan". We knew that the location could grow by as much as 40% over the next few years, so it was an excellent opportunity to invest. Scott's contract allowed him to pay off the property while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle.

The Result

The investment property was completed, and its value had increased by $500,000 since Scott purchased. This excellent result proved that Scott's investment strategy was successful.

Scott has since secured a new five-year playing contract, got engaged, had a beautiful baby girl, and purchased a house in Townsville for his family. We shifted our focus to debt reduction on his non-deductible debt, including the new house.

We continue to meet with Scott bi-annually to review his financial plan and implement new strategies. Our current plans include securing his next investment property, balancing his investment portfolio with shares/managed funds, and securing a further investment property in the near future.

Bottom Line

Scott's financial plan focused on living within his means and investing in property, which has proven successful. He has achieved many personal and professional milestones since we began working together, and his financial plan has provided him with the stability to do so.